Thursday, December 2, 2010

Family's been awhile:( SORRY!!!

Hey everyone! Life is doing wonderful for the Harris family:) As you can see, I have been major slacking on my blog:( But..hey! Better late than never right? We are looking foward to the Holidays approaching! Zoe is getting so big! She is a handful, but a very good little girl. Jonathan is getting ready to start his first year in basketball and we are all very excited to see his abilities come out! Christian has been staying busy with his new t-shirt company and work. We are very blessed!!!! Yeah God!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pics soon!!!

Below I said that I would post some pics and I'm having some trouble downloading pics so I WILL post soon! Promise!!!

I've been soooo busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay..I haven't posted in a very long:( LIFE is soooo wonderful right now:) Zoe is doing so good(now 14 months). She is walking, talking and getting into everything:) Her new thing is putting stuff in the trash! I didn't realize that she was doing this until I was looking the other day for one of her stuffed animals that we picked her up in Austin while there......I couldn't find it and I asked her where she put it...she pointed to the trash can:( I asked her, "Zoe....did you put your penguin in the trash can?" She looked at me and shook her head and laughed:( So...bye bye to the penguin that was sooo very cute:( She really is starting to show her personality and I must say that she reminds me of myself very much. She is completely different than Jonathan was as a baby. He was more scared of fast things, or loud things and she is the total opposite! She wants to go FAST and LOVES to be loud and loud things! Example: Christian started his dirtbike the other evening and Jonathan used to SCREAM when this would happen. Zoe on the other hand wanted to get on it with him!!!!! lol
Jonathan is doing wonderful and growing up into a wonderful young man. This makes me sad and happy at the same time. I cannot believe that he is getting ready to be a fourth grader in just a few weeks:( We are sooo very proud of him. I couldn't ask for a better son. He just started football last night and I think he's going to be playing quarterback and runningback this year. We are very excited for the football season to start!! First game will be around the first part of September. So...we will be very busy people between school, football, church etc.
Christian has been staying very busy with work, which has been a blessing. We knew that it was a big step of faith when he quit working for his father, but God has blessed us and I know that is because we listened to what HE told us to do:) We are hoping to get things started with our house finally, but have just been waiting for the right time and again, waiting on GOD to tell us when and how:)So...that's about it for now. As far as I am concerned, I have been staying very busy at my job and have plans of starting my own business as an "Event Coordinator" I have done a few weddings and many showers in the last couple of months for my church and know that I have a God given talent to do it and LOVE doing it. So..why not try and make some money right? Above, are some random pictures since I have been so bad about posting.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Although I am quite slack about posting things these days, the Harris family is doing VERY well:) As you see below, Zoe's Birthday was a hit:) Cannot BELIEVE that our baby girl is one!! She is changing sooo much and doing so many new things. We aren't walking yet,but she is on the verge!!! I'm not to worried about it because I know that when she DOES start walking that we are going to have our hands full!!!!! Wait..we already do:) We all love it so much though. She is definately a blessing sent from above. I look at her and Jonathan every night at bedtime and just thank GOD that he has blessed us with such wonderful children!! This last week we were blessed with Christian's Mom coming..kinda last minute Zoe and I decided to go with her to suprise Chrisitan's Grandparents that had never met her before. This was Zoe's first plane ride and first big trip. We flew out on Tuesday morning early and got back late Friday night. It was a great trip, Zoe did awesome and Christian's Grandparents were beyond excited that we were there. I'm so glad that we were able to go. Attached are some pictures of our trip:)

The princess turns one:)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Random pictures


SO....once again, I have failed to maintain the blog:( It's hard to believe that it is almost summer and I have an "almost" forth grader and an "almost" one year old:( Where does the time go? We are all doing very well and have been keeping very busy between church, baseball, work and me planning and doing weddings and wedding showers. I took on the role of "church event coordinator" and the last couple of months have been very demanding!! I love it, but it is a lot of work. Jonathan is doing very well, looking foward to his summer and baseball games, basketball camps and football camps. We are so proud of him!!! He has managed to get all A's this school year!!!! He is playing first base and pitcher in baseball and is looking foward to his first game.(If the rain will ever stop!) Zoe is doing wonderful and amazes us(as usual) every single day with the new things that she is learning and saying:) She is soooo smart!!!! She is JUST about walking and getting more brave and more brave everyday. I have a feeling that this little girl is going to have ZERO fears!!!! We are going to have our hands full!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Life is Good:)

I have been TERRIBLE at this blog thing lately:( Eeeeek!! So busy!!! Everything with us has been going very well! We are happy to see that Spring "might" be upon us...FINALLY!!! The kids are doing very well and GROWING. On Friday, Jonathan celebrated his 9th Birthday:( He is such a wonderful young man, that makes us soooo happy from day to day. I suprised him and took some "Colts" personalized cookies to his class, which made him very happy. He had his friend Brett come over and we all went to Joplin, ate at Japenese Steakhouse and then went and played some games of Lazor tag. My mom was able to come and celebrate with us, which was a wonderful treat:) I cherish the time that we get to spend with her and my Dad:) It was an AWESOME evening to say the least:) As far as Zoe is concerned, she is growing like a WEED! Sooooooo very smart too:) She is doing new things every single day. When my mom was here on Friday night, she wanted to be with "Nana" the whole time and said, "Nana" for the first time. You could tell that it melted my mom:) She now says, Momma, Dadda, bubba, "Nana" and num nums(when she is hungry:) It is soooo cute!! We had a little problem with her screaming when she wanted food, so they have taught her at the Daycare to make a hand gesture for more...this morning when I dropped her off she saw them putting up the bowls that they use to feed the kids and she started in with the hand motion because she knew what it was and that it was time for Breakfast...she is AMAZING!!!! Through her PAT visits we are finding that she is doing everything at about 5 to six months ahead of what she should be doing and some things are even more than that. Soooo neat:) Anyway, that pretty much sums up what has been going on with us and updates on the kids. I will try to attatch pictures soon.(If I find the time!)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Tonight at church, our little Z finally started crawling!! We were so excited!! She has been on the verge of crawling for weeks now and has made her way around by "scooting", but it's official! Time to put all of the breakables and no no's away!!!! Yeah Zoe!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pics from Nana and Pappas house:)

..random pics

WAY BEHIND ON POSTS:( I haven't posted anything in a veryyy long time! It has been so busy and blogging is the last thing on my mind:) However I do want to make an attempt to keep this going for all of you that read:) We are doing WONDERFUL in the Harris household. 2010 is upon us and we are excited for all of the things that it is going to bring. Jonathan is doing wonderful in school...all A's and is growing like no other. He is SUCH a wonderful young man:) Hard to believe that my "baby" is going to be 9 years old in a couple of months...tear:( Zoe is doing AWESOME:) She will be 8 months old on the 3rd of February and is changing every day so much. She has really started to get a strong personality...learning cause and effect, pulling up to things, etc. Life just NOW seems to be getting back to normal. I don't know why, but I just now feel like we are actually adjusted from Zoe being born. Christian hasn't been really busy at all with his work, but he has been finding other work around in his down time. So....that about sums it up for now! I am going to make a strong effort to try to maintain the blog more than I have been. I will post a few pics for your viewing pleasure!