Monday, March 29, 2010

Life is Good:)

I have been TERRIBLE at this blog thing lately:( Eeeeek!! So busy!!! Everything with us has been going very well! We are happy to see that Spring "might" be upon us...FINALLY!!! The kids are doing very well and GROWING. On Friday, Jonathan celebrated his 9th Birthday:( He is such a wonderful young man, that makes us soooo happy from day to day. I suprised him and took some "Colts" personalized cookies to his class, which made him very happy. He had his friend Brett come over and we all went to Joplin, ate at Japenese Steakhouse and then went and played some games of Lazor tag. My mom was able to come and celebrate with us, which was a wonderful treat:) I cherish the time that we get to spend with her and my Dad:) It was an AWESOME evening to say the least:) As far as Zoe is concerned, she is growing like a WEED! Sooooooo very smart too:) She is doing new things every single day. When my mom was here on Friday night, she wanted to be with "Nana" the whole time and said, "Nana" for the first time. You could tell that it melted my mom:) She now says, Momma, Dadda, bubba, "Nana" and num nums(when she is hungry:) It is soooo cute!! We had a little problem with her screaming when she wanted food, so they have taught her at the Daycare to make a hand gesture for more...this morning when I dropped her off she saw them putting up the bowls that they use to feed the kids and she started in with the hand motion because she knew what it was and that it was time for Breakfast...she is AMAZING!!!! Through her PAT visits we are finding that she is doing everything at about 5 to six months ahead of what she should be doing and some things are even more than that. Soooo neat:) Anyway, that pretty much sums up what has been going on with us and updates on the kids. I will try to attatch pictures soon.(If I find the time!)