Tuesday, March 31, 2009

....more Birthday pics:)

My baby's 8th Birthday:( He's soo big!

We celebrated Jonathan's 8th Birthday on the 26th. I can't believe that he is 8 years old!!! Where does the time go? I suprised him and brought him cookies to school that I had made and then we took him to his dinner of choice and opened presents. The following evening we had 4 of his friends come over for a sleepover...my oh my. They had a really good time, it was just very exhausting for all of us! Here are some pics from the occassion:)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pics of shower

Thanks to Mandy, (thank you!) here are some pics from the shower:) Enjoy! Oh..today we went to the Dr. and everything looked awesome! She is, however, head up now, so we are going to be praying hard that she turns, but she has a little while to do that. Please keep that in your prayers!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Yesterday was our baby shower and it was soooo much fun!! There was a lot of family and friends that showed up and it was such a blessing. I didn't get too many photos, but I did have someone take a few that I will be posting soon. I am so thankful for wonderful friends that threw it for me and all of the people that came to it. We got so many things and we just need a few more things and we will be completely set! Yesterday was our 8 week countdown so we are all three getting pretty excited. We go to the Dr. tomorrow so I will post an update if there is one!! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New glider

After some looking, we finally found a glider that we both really liked and ordered it. We went and picked it up Friday night, so we are happy to have another thing checked off of our "to do" list. I wanted to get something that we could use as a family as well. It reclines too for Daddy:)

31 weeks belly shot!

Here is a recent belly shot! According to the ultra sound that we just had done a couple of weeks ago, we are actually 31 weeks instead of 30. We go back to the doctor on the 23rd and then a couple of weeks after that we will be getting another ultra sound, which should tell us about how much she is going to weigh and a more accurate date. She will come though, when God wants her too! We are getting close!!! Single digit week countdown!! Whoo hoo!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

...one more:)

Here is one showing her two little feet crossed:) Such a little cutie pie!!!

3 D Ultrasound

Here are some pics from our 3d ultra-sound that we had done today. She looks wonderful, and is almost 3 pounds right now. It showed me being due on May 17th, which is 5 days earlier! Whoo hoo!! Poor little thing had her legs crossed and over her head, or squishing her nose:(