Monday, December 7, 2009


6 months

Haven't posted in awhile:( Oops! We have been sooo busy!!! Zoe is now 6 months old and is doing wonderful! Very hard to believe that she is already 1/2 of a year:( It is so neat watching her grow and get her own little personality. We went to the Dr. today and she is weighing in at almost 16 pounds and she is 26.25 inches long. She is in the 50-75% for everything and is doing very well:) She is now eating three times a day baby food plus nursing. She started "officially" sitting up a couple of weeks ago and her second tooth is popping up and down. She LOVES to stand and won't be long until she is crawling. Jonathan is doing very well in school and we are ALL enjoying having a break from sports, since he chose not to play basketball. It's kindove nice to come home in the evenings(most evenings that is) and have nothing to do!!! Will post pics soon.........................Christmas is oh so soon!!!!