Monday, December 7, 2009


6 months

Haven't posted in awhile:( Oops! We have been sooo busy!!! Zoe is now 6 months old and is doing wonderful! Very hard to believe that she is already 1/2 of a year:( It is so neat watching her grow and get her own little personality. We went to the Dr. today and she is weighing in at almost 16 pounds and she is 26.25 inches long. She is in the 50-75% for everything and is doing very well:) She is now eating three times a day baby food plus nursing. She started "officially" sitting up a couple of weeks ago and her second tooth is popping up and down. She LOVES to stand and won't be long until she is crawling. Jonathan is doing very well in school and we are ALL enjoying having a break from sports, since he chose not to play basketball. It's kindove nice to come home in the evenings(most evenings that is) and have nothing to do!!! Will post pics soon.........................Christmas is oh so soon!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Zoe got her first tooth! I knew that she was in the process of..but honestly had NO idea that she would have a tooth this soon! She just turned five months!!! Anyway..we are pretty sure that it came in the night because we had a veryyyy long night with her and something told me to rub her gums and there it was! On the bottom right. Such a big girl!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Random pics of Zoe

Update on Zoe

Zoe is doing so great and growing sooooo quickly!! It is very hard to believe that on the 3rd she will be 5 months!!! She is now on her second week of baby food and loving it...we could tell that she was ready for something other than mommy because she always tries to eat our food when we are eating. She is such a cutie pie..very well natured baby. We are truly blessed. She does awesome at our church Daycare and is in very good hands. I am very good friends with the manager and all of the girls there, so they are constantly sending me pictures and updates on her througout the day. I am still going on my lunch breaks every day to feed her but I think soon that might be changing with her wanting more of solid foods. She is trying very hard to sit up on her own...I know it won't be long!!

Football season is over!

I haven't been very good at posting lately, because we have been so busy!!! Jonathan's football season is sucessfully over. He had his last game on Saturday in Carl Junction. They lost their game, coming into fourth place in their division. They did a great job and we look foward to playing next year and winning the championship. We are so proud of Jonathan:) We recently had a parent/teacher conference and Jonathan has all A's and E's(for excellent). He is such a wonderful blessing to us! Posted are his school picture, football profile picture and team picture. Enjoy!

Football season is over!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Go TiGERS!!!

This is little Z dressed up for her Bubba's game......we ordered her a couple of onesies from a website because we couldn't find a cheerleading outfit small enough:) SoOOOOO cute!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A little early

Even though Zoe isn't 4 months until the 3rd of next month, we decided to let her try some cereal this evening before bed. Even though she is usually just waking up once during the night, I thought maybe this will help get her sleeping through the night. She was so hungry when we gave it to her that I couldn't get it in there fast enough! I think she was so hungry that she might not of even realized that it was something different! She kept on looking at me like, "Come on Mom!" Too cute! The only picture I got was of her holding the spoon, not happy. Daddy only has one arm to work with and that's the one she was laying on so maybe we will get some more pics soon:)


Well, the same day that Zoe rolled over Daddy had a little accident. He has been going to the our church to help with our re-modeling that we are doing. He decided to take his bicycle for exercise. On the way there he had a bit of an accident:( I got a phone call about 15 minutes after he had left the house from one of the guys working at the church. He told me that Christian had an accident and that he was taking him the ER. Strangely I didn't panic and just started praying. Turns out that he had a broken/dislocated wrist! After being at the ER for awhile, they then sent him on the Joplin because it was so bad. He ended up having to have surgery!!! The bone in his wrist was actually broken in half so they had to go in and put some screws and a metal plate to get it back together and to heal correctly. Soooooooooooo....quite an unexpected thing to happen that day. Christian made it well throughout the surgery and we brought him home about 11pm that night. Luckily my mom oddly came up on Monday for the evenig. I know that it was a God thing that she was here to be with the kids while I went to be with Christian. God is so good!! Christian is doing well at home and we are praying and believing for a fast recovery for him. I am very thankfull that nothing worse happened and that he is okay.


Here is the video of Ms. Zoe rolling over for the first time..I got a little excited and dropped the camera to tell Christian right before the last of the turn over, but it's better than nothing:) I had a strange feeling that she was going to do it and so I got the camera out just in case! Good thing I did!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Jon's football game against Carthage.

Jonathan's 3rd grade football team had an awesome defeat against Carthage on Saturday. The final score was 20 to 14. Jonathan did soooo good in his game that he is now playing first string. He had two sacks and ALMOST two interceptions. He is doing so good and we are so proud of him! At first I was scared to death to have my baby playing ''tackle" football but now I'm loving it! I actually almost lost my voice from screaming so loud at the game!!! GO TIGERS!!!! Here are some pics of Jonathan in action:)

Zoe rolls over!!!

Well today was the day! Our big girl rolled over after a couple of weeks of trying soooo hard! It was so neat. She is getting so big!!! Yeah!!!! She is 14 weeks now. Very hard to believe!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New things

Zoe had her first laugh on Sunday afternoon!!! It was so precious. Yes..I cried:) It was a God thing that I was on the phone with Christian when it hapenned and he was able to hear her too. He just got back home from a fishing trip at the coast with his step father. They had a really good time. We were definately glad for Daddy to be home!!! Another new thing is that Zoe started grabbing her toys last night and shaking them. It was sooo precious seeing her paying such close attention to what she was doing. My the things that entertain us!! She is getting so big. Hard to believe that she is going to be 3 months on the 3rd. My how time flies!

Monday, August 17, 2009

2 month appt

We had Zoe's two month check up today. She is doing great and growing!!! She is now 11 pounds and 11 ounces and 23 1/2 inches long. She is in the 75% bracket for her height and weight! Yeah!!! She got one shot and took it like a champ. She has to get the rest of them(THREE) on Wednesday because they were out of the one's that she needed. So...she is going to have to do the whole thing again in just two days. She looked @ Christian for a second in disbelief that they poked her, cried for about a minute and shortly later went to sleep. Ofcourse I worked myself up but was proud that I only got tears in the eyes and didn't shed them! lol. I cannot believe that she is so big now!!! Wow how time flies! Here is a couple of pictures that we took of her after her bath tonight.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

..a few more pics:)

10 weeks

Hard to believe that Zoe is already 10 weeks!!! Where does the time go? We are all doing very good...busy busy busy. Seems like we are on the go ALL of the time!!! Jonathan recently started tackle football and is liking it very much. His first game will be on Labor Day weekend. We are very proud of him and looking foward to watching him play.(Even though I must say this is very hard to see my "baby" playing "tackle" football:( ) It will be okay though, as Chrisitian keeps on telling me:) Tomorrow I am dreading...Jonathan is starting the THIRD grade and little miss Zoe is getting her 2 month shots. I'm sure I'll make it through both, but it's not going to be easy. I'm very thankfull that Christian is going to be off work so he can go with me to the Dr.'s appt. I am , however, looking foward to seeing how much Zoe has grown!!! Here are some pics that we have taken the last week or two...I never knew how much different life would be with "children"vs one child, so that's why I don't get the chance to post as much as I used to! We are very blessed to have such gorgeous, wonderful children:) God is so awesome!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Haven't posted anything in awhile!

So...I haven't really had the chance to get on here in awhile due to being extremely busy! Hard to believe that Zoe is almost 8 weeks, Jonathan's about to start "tackle football", "third grade" and the summer is almost gone! Where does the time go? Despite being busy with one thing after another our family is doing very good. Zoe is growing and cooing(we are just waiting on the first giggle). Life is so good and we thank God constantly for the many blessings that he provides us with.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Reading to sister:)

Jonathan is the BEST big brother to Zoe. He loves her so much. Here is a couple pics of him reading some of her books to her:) So sweet. We are so blessed with such wonderful children:)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009