Friday, February 27, 2009

28 week belly shot!!

This marks our 3rd trimester! Whoo hoo!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

27 WEEKS!!!!

We are on the 13 week countdown now! Many people may think that sounds like a lot, but to's so exciting! I can't believe that we are already to this point. The closer that we get, the more exciting this is!! We can't wait until we meet our Zoe. I keep trying to picture what she will look like, how much hair she will have, etc. Wow, what an amazing experience!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pic from Christian's i phone

Here is a picture that Christian took that he distorted with his i phone..ha, ha! He REALLY wanted me to put it on here!

26 week Belly shot!!!

Here is a pic of my belly at 26 weeks!! Growing!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"School talent show"

Jonathan performed at the school talent show yesterday with his friend Bailey. They did a very good job. My camera unfortunately pooped out on me, but I did get some of the video. We were very proud of Jonathan! Here is them singing "I'm a Believer" off of the Shrek soundtrack.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Doctor's Appt

So..we had our doctor's appt yesterday. Everything went wonderful. Great heartbeat, perfect measurement of the belly. Wasn't too happy about the weight gain however. I had gained 7 pounds since my last visit! I have gained a total of 19 pounds so far!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aghhh!!!! I know that it's just something that happens...I am pregnant:) It's just kindove depressing. At the same time I know that it's all going to be worth it when we hold our little girl:) Yeah!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!! I have been praying for the next few months to fly by. So far it's working! Praise God:)